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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Episode 6: Emily Reynolds Wbff Pro

Episode 6: Emily Reynolds Wbff Pro (mp3)

Meet Emily

Those who Don’t REALLY know me;

would describe me as either Emily the WBFF pro Diva Bikini athlete, coach, nutrition specialist or fitness model.

Those Who Know

But that is not what those who know me closely think of. They would think of what I have conquered!Yes; my life is full of excitement, success and happiness. But it wasn’t always this way for me. I have worked very, very hard to get here. I know better than most the power of nutrition and exercise.

Why Fitness

I know because in the not-so-distant past, I suffered from a health condition that crippled my entire world. The only thing that saved me was a healthy diet, fitness and the power of believing in me. This is how I got to where I am today. I grew up healthy and fit for most of my life. After college, I started noticing that I was not feeling like myself anymore. I didn’t have the energy I used to. I started experiencing ailments I never had. Eventually, these ailments worsened to the point that I could barely get out of bed some days and at my darkest moments I did not move for days. My body was under attack in a big way. Every joint in my body ached, I suffered from chronic headaches, chronic fatigue, horrible gastrointestinal issues, constant body pain, and my stomach hurt all the time and I felt as if I was allergic to everything. My life was in a downward spiral with no end in sight. This went on for many years. After countless doctor visits and several second opinions that gave me diagnoses such as lupus, Crohn's disease, celiac, fibromyalgia, IBS, diverticulitis, depression, chronic fatigue – I was even told by one doctor that I should be put on disability – I was left feeling hopeless.

Graves Disease

I finally found a doctor who accurately diagnosed me after thousands of dollars spent on specialists who were clueless. I had Graves disease. Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that leads to over activity in the thyroid gland. The thyroid does many things in the body, one of which is regulating a person’s weight. Even though weight gain was the least of my concerns, in the years that I was sick, I gained an unprecedented amount of weight: 40 pounds. I went from an extra small to a size 13. The doctor’s orders were to have my thyroid completely removed. I did it, but I know now today that was not necessary. And it caused a whole host of other problems in my body as a result. I was fed up with the doctors, over being poked, prodded and sick and tired of feeling so extremely sick and tired.


But, I refused to end my search for answers; I felt that doing so would be a death sentence. My entire life was in a downward spiral, I made the decision to take complete control of my own health, and thus, my own future. I asked more questions, demanded more answers, did my own research, made my own choices, and finally had the DESIRE, DRIVE, and DETERMINATION to take back my health and my life. So one day, I made a life-changing decision. I decided to fire my doctors and hire myself to take control of my health. I did not just [want] change; I [needed] change. There simply was no other option in my life. From that decision, began my journey. In my search for answers I found a friend that was competing in figure competitions. The transformation of her body was inspiring to me.

The Choice was Made

After some convincing, I reluctantly decided I was going to start training for one; I felt it would give me that extra push I needed to focus on getting well. That seed was planted at the back of my brain. I could do this. I could achieve what she’s achieving. I could be really good at this. I shared my desires and dreams with others. It was so scary to talk about it as a possible reality, especially after what I’d been through in discovering the root of m health problems.


In opening myself up to others, I thought I would find an amazing support network that pushed me and supported my dreams. That is not at all what I found! Most people did not understand why I would want to do this and told me I was fine the way I was and that it was ridiculous. Well what they did not understand was the deep pain that I was in for 7 years. I became so depressed as many points in my disease that I would not want to socialize, I would cry for days and just barely make it thru a few hours at my job as a special needs teacher; only to collapse on the floor as I walked thru the door and sleep until I had to be at work again. In these 7 years of my life I got a divorce, lost most of my friends, endured countless professionals telling me that I would never get better, had zero support from my family and saw the light at the end of the tunnel completely fade to black. This is what I endured alone! My condition was so sever I could not have called a friend and received help, I could not have paid any amount of money to cure this, I could not pray it away, and I could not even dig up my once super positive attitude to battle this demon called Graves. I had to completely change every single thing I was doing in my life and make me #1.


I had to stop listening to all outside voices; it was all me and my body. So there was NO way in hell that anyone’s opinion was going to put a dent in my plan. This was my life and my journey. The naysayers only made me stronger. My favorite quote is something I share with people I meet that are now going thru their own journey. “Successful people do what unsuccessful are unwilling to do!” Nobody else was going to do it for me – my destiny was my own to make. I hired a personal trainer, a nutritionist and started to take wellness supplements. I worked with holistic practitioners who taught me the power of natural medicine. I was driven, dedicated and determined to take back my health and my life. I won’t lie, it wasn’t an easy journey. In fact, it was one of the most challenging things I had done. It took a lot of work, both physically and mentally. But, I made a vow to keep pushing forward and never turn back.

Conquering Hero

At the end of my first 12 weeks of serious focus, exercise and nutrition, I could not believe my progress. I had lost 27 pounds and dropped to 18 percent body fat. I then took that step I never thought I could or would; I entered my first figure competition. I ranked fourth place in my first show. Figure and bikini competitions soon became another passion of mine. With my new found focus on wellness, nutrition and fitness, I had my life back and felt better than ever. I made so many dreams come true and even accomplished things I did not know I had in store.

Bio Hacker:

From that point on, I spent countless hours researching, learning and experimenting with nutrition and fitness. The more I learned about holistic living and the power of the body and mind, the more I realized everything we need is in nature and within ourselves. The pure power of a healthy, natural lifestyle is something I will never stop believing in. I knew I had to do something with my journey. I wanted to share it with the world. And that’s exactly what I do every single day. As a fitness personality, competition coach and trainer, I am able to share my knowledge.

The Mission:

My mission is to inspire and change lives through my experiences and my love for helping people. I love being in the fitness industry because I see people every day take charge of their bodies, and empower themselves to make the changes they want in their lives and experience incredible results. There is no greater feeling than the rewards of a healthy, fit lifestyle. And these rewards trickle into every aspect of your life, because you can’t fake feeling absolutely amazing.

Your Success = Her Reward

To me, there is no greater reward than coaching people on this journey to health, wellness and success. As a coach, I practice what I preach and believe in what I do. Along with fitness, eating and living clean, the power of positive thinking and believing in yourself is hands down, the single-greatest thing you can do for yourself. If I can turn my health and my life around against all odds, so can you. I am this passionate about health because I know what it’s like to go without. Each one of us has what it takes to get right where we want to be. You have the power to live your life healthy, happy and balanced. Sometimes all it takes is a little push in the right direction. I learned how to be my best me and believe EVERYONE has it in them to bring out their best self! I’d love for you to continue on my journey with me.

Contact Information:

Check out my social media link below & I look forward to seeing you there! Remember...always be your best you! *Emily Reynolds*

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