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Monday, June 23, 2014

Episode 12: Gary Bye (Fitness is The Way)


In the Beginning 

I originally started bodybuilding when I was fifteen (1983), inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger and his book, “The Education of a Bodybuilder”. I was passionate about bodybuilding all through high school…hoping to be a great bodybuilder someday. But things changed quickly after high school. College, work and friends became my new commitments. I started smoking when I was eighteen and started drinking on the weekends. My healthy lifestyle slowly faded away, although I continued to train hard into my mid twenties.

Lost The Way

By the time I was thirty, I had completely stopped exercising. I was self-employed as a stock trader in the late 90’s. I chained smoked, drank tons of coffee and was very stressed out. In 2003, I filed bankruptcy and struggled financially for several years afterwards. By the time I was in my late thirties, my overall health was very poor. My lungs burned when I smoked and I was constantly coughing, spitting and out of breath. After twenty two years of smoking, I successfully quit on my son’s 12th birthday.

I remained somewhat active until I took a desk job in 2008. By 2010, I started to develop severe lower back pain. I tried chiropractic support belts which helped, but the issue was getting worse. I was in constant pain and considered seeing a chiropractor. One day on a whim I decided to workout. 


My wife had bought me a weight set and it was sitting unused for two years. That workout was amazing! It was the first time I felt a pump in a decade! It felt so good to train, I was hooked from that moment on. After only thirty days of training, ALL of my lower back pain disappeared! Within two years, I had regained all my prior strength from my twenties. 

Leading The Way

I have now been training for four years and have entered my third bodybuilding contest. My goal is to continue eating healthy, training hard and seeing how far I can develop my physique and strength. I’m passionate about training again. This has been a fantastic time in my life. I hope I can inspire others.



Monday, June 16, 2014

Episode 11: The Evolution from Fat Father to Fit Dad

MP3 Download

Scott was a mild manner accountant who dotted his "i"s and drank a lot of tea. And I mean mucho.

Then one day fed up with fatness and change began can to rage inside of him.

This is his story. This is his Evolution from Fat Father to Fit Dad. And you can too.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Episode 10: CrossFit Cult Curious

Click on Banner for MP3 Downloade
Dawn is a certified personal trainer group exercise instructor. She is a bodybuilder, former gymnast and an Air Force Academy graduate. Dawn competed in the SWVA crossfit games 2013 and is a Level 1 CF trainer. She enjoys helping others become fit and healthier and works with a wide range of clients.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Episode 9: Skeptical Fitness

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Science writer Brian Dunning is the host and producer of the podcast Skeptoid: Critical Analysis of Pop Phenomena (skeptoid.com), applying critical thinking to urban legends and popular pseudoscientific subjects promoted by the mass media. Skeptoid has a weekly audience of 180,000 listeners. Brian is also the author of five books based on the podcast. A computer scientist by trade, Brian uses new media to showcase the rewards of science and critical thinking. He has appeared on numerous radio shows and television documentaries, and also hosts the science video seriesinFact with Brian Dunning (infactvideo.com). He is a member of the National Association of Science Writers, and lives in southern California with his family.

Website: https://skeptoid.com/press/

Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
PBS on Running