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Monday, November 24, 2014

E34 Battle Cry and Be Clean

Muscle Motivation: Battle Cry

I have been to the end of world and seen the burning forest;
I heard the whale songs, and walked the 1,000 lakes.
I have saved babies both human and animal.
I saved marriages and risen others to new heights.
I see greatness in others and in myself.
There is nothing I can not connqure
No prize I can not win
No joy that I can not capture
No goal I can not achieve
Hear me; rejoice; and be warned
I am the greatness of humanity embodied.

Eat Clean; Be Clean
  • Tidy up to achieve
    • Create patterns/ protocols
    • Ready your life
    • Commit
Answer to this week's FitCoin Question can be sent to: CoachPaul@UnionOfMuscle.com or in the comments below.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

E33: Heroic Humanity & Tight Triceps

Heroic Humanity
  • What is a hero
    • Someone with the power to effect positive change and overcome obstacles.
  • Why are they a hero
    • How they make others feel about themselves.
    • How they make others feel about the world or life in general.
  • How do heroes act/react
    • Those who try and fail.
    • Those who prey on others.
Episode Answers for a FitCoin can be sent to CoachPaul@UnionOfMuscle.com.

Monday, November 10, 2014

E32: Stress & Spotter's Paradise

Spotter Paradise: (Spotting tips)
  • The answer should almost always be yes.
    • Exception 1: You incapable or doing so could result in harm.
    • Exception 2: Not enough time
  • You don't spot for you.
    • Unless you are training/coaching
  • Discover Needs
    • Lift off
    • Tention
    • Positioning
  • Lifter tips when working with a spotter
    • Inform
    • complement
    • Do not critique just instruct

Muscle Media Review

Email: CoachPaul@UnionOfMuscle.com to earn your FitCoin for answering this episode's question.

  • Answer
  • Name
  • Member Number (if you have one)
  • Email Address
    (some prices require a shipping address)


Stress Article
Skeptoid on News

Monday, November 3, 2014

E31 Are You Human?

Are you Human? A better question is: are you a mammal?

Remember mammals unlike birds have both fast twitch and slow twitch muscle meshed a woven in together. Mammals unlike your turkey dinner are mix of light and dark meat. You my friend are pink meat. But what does this mean for building muscle?

Muscle fuel

Fast twitch uses glycogen which come most easily from carbohydrates. Your slow twitch use myoglobin fueled best through protein.

This is why its is easier to build fast twitch muscles during a bulking phase where more carbohydrates are introduced into the many muscle building diets.

However slow twitch endurance muscles use more protein produced and used by the eukaryot alien living inside every cell you have. That's right mitochondria has its own DNA which is not human. But that's another story for another time.

These slow twitch muscles are great for strength training the low reps, high weight type of workout.

So now that I am bulking for the fall/winter I have started to replace some of my chicken salads with chicken and rice and a cooked veggie.

I am also doing low rep/ high weight workouts. This includes my favorite waves sets and and negatives. I try to get up a picture and maybe a uTube video in the show notes. And you're welcome to attach yours there as well.

The current height of my current wave set.


SciShow: White and Dark Meat


Heel vs Mid-foot Squats