My name is Daphne Bansberg and I was born in the Netherlands, lived in Switzerland, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and currently in sunny California. I got serious about weight training and living a healthier lifestyle in 2013 after the stillbirth of my son and later on spending 4 months of complete hospital bed rest pregnant with my daughter. I wanted to be happier and find a positive outlet to help cope with my emotions and to generally live a healthier life. I competed in my first NPC bikini Competition June 2014 and have done 2 more shows since then. I am also the proud business owner and designer of Starlet Suits Custom Competition Bikinis. Competing, training, inspiring others, and focusing on better health has truly been a blessing for me.
NPC San Diego State Championships 2nd place Novice 4th place Open
NPC Grand Prix No placing
NPC Titan Grand Prix 5th place novice 5th place open
KOIOS Sponsored Athlete promo code: DUTCH for 25% off
Competition Bikinis:
promo code: DUTCH10 for 10% off
instagram/facebook: dutchfitgirl
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