I'm Saad Balamane.
I am passionate about modelling and arts. I want to use art of athletic posing to express my feelings. I feel at my best being on stage.
I am passionate about modelling and arts. I want to use art of athletic posing to express my feelings. I feel at my best being on stage.
I did my first men physique competition and I ended up winning first place at my first show!
I prepared very hard to compete in that first show and all the others thereafter. Therefore, I keep in mind on thing: Now if you want to win, there is no way around hard work. If you want something big, you got to give a lot to get it!
Since the first time I touched a weight, I fell in love with the gym even though I didn't know where everything was going to bring me. I should also specify how and where I started.
It's been 3 years now since I touch my first weight. I was 110 lb., really skinny and at 5' 9" tall. I had to overcome the fact that my starting situation wasn't the ideal to build any muscle and also to stop listening to negative people around me. Again, let me tell you something, if you don't believe you can do something then you can't!
I'm currently planning on competing at the North American Championship 2015!
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Calcium Carbonate Absorption Rate
Calcium Carbonate Article related to Guest suggestion
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Greg Valentino
Balamine Facebook Coaching Page
Balamine Coaching Web Page
Episode Quiz
I prepared very hard to compete in that first show and all the others thereafter. Therefore, I keep in mind on thing: Now if you want to win, there is no way around hard work. If you want something big, you got to give a lot to get it!
Since the first time I touched a weight, I fell in love with the gym even though I didn't know where everything was going to bring me. I should also specify how and where I started.

My competition weight this year was 174 lb., my offseason weight was 190 lb.! So let me tell you something, it does not matter where you start at as long as you have a plan to get where you want to get!

Calcium Carbonate WikiCalcium Carbonate Drug.com
Calcium Carbonate Absorption Rate
Calcium Carbonate Article related to Guest suggestion
Glycerol and Muscle Building Article
Glycerol Wiki

Greg Valentino
Balamine Facebook Coaching Page
Balamine Coaching Web Page
Episode Quiz